Sunday, March 9, 2008

Week 8--Thing 19--LibraryThing

A bibliophile's delight. Milllions of books and thoughts about books, with the chance to share and discuss one's faves. LibraryThing is easy to set up and operate, easy to link to this blog.

All but one of the books I entered in my library were contained in someone else's library. I purposely put in at least one "odd" title, to see how the site would handle it. It found the "cataloging" for the book, but no one else appears to have it. It was astonishing to see how many Jane Austen lovers there are, and how strongly opinioned.

This is clearly not a children's site, as the list contents prove. Very few children's things visible. I'm not counting the widely read Harry Potter. This wouldn't, therefore, be useful for my students, although teachers might enjoy it.

Love the Zeitgeist stuff, especially learning I'd read most of the 25 most reviewed books. Having read the entire J.K. Rowling ouevre helps. Like the links to authors in LibraryThing, and the list of favorite authors. It's troubling to see the 50 lowest-rated authors. Seems a bit snarky and pointless. Would be interested in another view.

This is a good tool for any teen-age and older book lover. It has (uppper grade) classroom as well as social appeal. I can easily see English teachers finding ways to use LibraryThing.

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