Sunday, February 10, 2008

Week 4, Thing 9--Blogs and News Feeds

I used Blogline's tools to get set up, then cruised around some favorite sites, adding blogs that I've been reading for awhile, anyway. I played around with several of the suggested blog search tools (Technorati, the Edublog Awards) and several school library blogs. But, I realize that getting into heavy blog reading requires a change of habit. Now that I know how to add blogs to my Blogline account, I'll make those changes as they come along, and not just for the sake of practicing new skills and filling space with blogs I'll have to delete later.

1 comment:

LibraryStrong said...

I agree with you. Now that I know how to add blogs, I'll wait until I find some that I truly want to add. The amount of daily Internet reading is already overwhelming.